I https://bonanza.com/listings/Mrs-Thinsters-Meyer-Lemon-Cookie-Thin-16-oz/697825990 love to bake and probably familial this amalgamation from my mother. Our tract home mrs thinsters meyer lemon cookie thin kitchen was tiny, in view of that tiny that if I turned roughly quickly, I hit something. My mother had no counter space, just a small kitchen table in the corner, still she managed to bake cakes, cookies, and fast breads from scratch. every recipe was made later love. later my daughters were tiny I continued this tradition and baked cookies every week. Sometimes I backed two kinds. Refilling the cookie jar was suitable and my intimates loved them. though I don't bake cookies agreed much these days, there are grow old behind the urge comes more than me. Today is one of those days. I wanted a simple cookie, something that would taste fine alone gone a mug of coffee or lighthearted fruit. Lemon is the circulate that came into my mind immediately. Whether I squeeze it on fish, or go to zest to pasta, or incorporate it in sauces, lemon is one of my favorite flavors. Fortunately, I had a fat, juicy lemon upon hand.


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