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Bitcoins are a decentralized type of crypto currency. Meaning, they are not regulated by a financial institution or the government. As such, unlike a conventional bank account, you don't need a long list a paperwork such as an ID in order for you to establish what's called a bitcoin wallet. The bitcoin wallet is what you'll use to access your bitcoins and also to send bitcoins to additional people.
More than 86 million people play some type of free online games. Young folks, old people, academic people, athletic people, individuals with high end jobs, individuals in school... In other words, a variety of people, with all kinds of lives, are becoming excited about free internet games. But why? What is all the fuss about?
However, this is a superb way to get your separate band heard as long as you market it properly. It's all about media. Using the resources at your fingertips, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.. Most of the live shows that I attend is from joining Facebook classes and then getting invites in the bands or places events. If you are a band I would advise speaking to the owner of the venue you'll be enjoying streaming your live show. Let the bar owner understand this could be a great way to advertise their venue.